Relationship between Attitude and Behavior

Relationship between Attitude and Behavior


Of all the ideas in Psychology the relationship between attitude and behavior may be considered as one of the keystones that undergirds Personality Development. They are shaped in our perceptions. Attitudes and behaviors interact so seamlessly it is difficult to determine where one ends and the other begins in making us the way we are. This blog follows up on the question of how attitude and behavior can be interconnected. The relationship between attitude and behavior will be studied. Also what role each of them plays when building up the complex puzzle of personality.

Understanding Attitude and Behavior

Now let us first explain what is the relationship between attitude and behavior. Attitude refers to reactions or tendencies within an individual towards some idea or object, person or event. It is actually a mixture of things that people have within them, including beliefs, feelings, and behaviors. In contrast, behavior is a concept that captures the actual conduct, movements, feelings. Or expressions that embrace persons in some condition or situations. Attitudes are internal concepts that a person may have in their mind in terms of thinking, feeling. Or it can be a combination of both about certain objects. behaviors are the actualization of those attitudes into forms that are observable by other people.

The Two-Way Street

It comes as a two way process where an attitude leads to or determines a certain behavior. And in return the kind of behavior exhibited affects or influences the attitude of the people involved. Dispositions are one of the most effective ways for cultivating behavior. It is because they present how a given individual will perform to their beliefs and values. On the other hand, behavior can also influence attitude through cognitive dissonance theory. It is for this reason that whenever people find themselves actually doing things contrary to what they actually believed in they would feel uncomfortable. And this inevitably would make them alter the said attitudes. For instance, a person who will be adopting the new behavior of recycling can over some time tend to incline towards a positive perception. For example when it comes to the issue of environmental conservation.

Personality Development and Attitude-Behavior Consistency

Mental and social molding are processes that start at infancy and continue until death influences. It includes hereditary makeup and family upbringing, situation, and life events. It is also noteworthy that the correspondence between these beliefs and consequent behaviors is rather critical in this context. Cognitive theorists admit that intrinsic consistency in behavior and attitudes give a stable personality. On the other hand, when one holds conflicting attitudes toward an object and exhibits conflicting behaviors, one feels disappointed. One experiences personal turmoil and hindered personality growth due to the cognitive dissonance that arises from such a state.

The Role of Social Influence

The results show that social influences are major predictors of attitude and behavior linkage. People are in a sort of pressure from social norms and from their peers, as well as from the cultures that they abide by or have been brought up in. This causes people to change their perceptions to match the social standards. It is so that they can assimilate themselves in the group thus altering their behavior. For example, a person may start holding specific political beliefs because of the crowd he or she interacts with in social media, consequently affecting the way he or she votes. Observing the behavior of others also influences attitudes through such mechanisms as social learning theory

The Impact of Self-Perception

Subjective factors and attitude have a close link, which explains how perceived self-image can influence such behavior. Self-perception is a factor that gives meaning to our responses and behaviors in various sectors of life. These three variables play an essential role in determining the concordance that exists between attitudes and behaviors. It is also important to note that people with high self-esteem possess confidence in their belief and the attitudes to back up those beliefs. In contrast, those with low self-esteem are unlikely to be able to express attitudes through behavior because they lack social acceptance or they presume to be criticized.

Cognitive Processes and Decision Making

Cognition therefore plays the role of translating the observed attitude into behavior through the manner in which we make sense of events and stimuli. Attitude formation and behavior change involve two cognitive milestones of information processing and decisions as well as attributions. For example, people focus only on the material, which supports their view in an attitude called the confirmation bias. Such selective exposure relates directly to the beliefs they hold. And in turn, may impact subsequent behavior. Also, the perceived regulation of behavior may affect attitudes because of how we explain the behavior.

The Role of Motivation

Another concept labeled as motivation explains the differentiation between attitude and behavior. People conform to their attitudes when they want to do so, or if there is some kind of internal pressure. Autonomy because it is the natural desire of a person with regard to what he or she holds dear or policy synonymous with self- motivational attitude. Nonetheless, there is the precondition that extrinsic motivation sources like incentives or other people’s approval also can control behaviors. At the same time as not being connected with attitudes. For instance, a person may take up a job he or she does not like because doing a job well gains appreciation and recognition of his or her co-workers or employers.


As the threads interweave the vast fabric of personality amendment, there exists one core string, attitude and behavior. Ranging from conditioning how we see things to how we move, think, feel and respond, attitudes and behaviors are the two that constantly spin a web that defines who we are. It, therefore, illuminates the factors that define human beings and behavior. As well as provides a guideline for personality development and enhancement. When interacting with ourselves and the external environment let us build personal excellence and character virtues, as we continually transform ourselves and the world.

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