What are different Types of Sentences

What are different Types of Sentences


Phrases were defined as the smallest meaningful component of language and they also related sentences to language in terms of meaningful segments. They are the me connecting with you, the voice through which words and ideas are conveyed and made real. It is very important that one has knowledge about these different kinds of sentences in order to be effective in communication as well as to grasp some of the finer points of the English language. In this part of the course we will cover four main types of sentences starting discussing their structures, uses and how they are employed in expression.

Types of Sentences:

Declarative Sentences:

These tend to be perhaps the most popular or frequently used types of sentences. They provide information, instructions, good examples or an utterance and are usually punctuated with a full stop. These are the sentences which are used to provide information, tell something, may contain facts, and/ or personal views without anticipation of reply. For example:

    Proverb, ‘The sun sets in the west. ’
    “It is established that she likes to read novels. ”
    Knowledge Questions,” Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. ”

    Interrogative Sentences:

    A typical interrogative sentence is one which seeks an answer. They are used when seeking information or clarification or when the statement itself ends with a question mark. These types of sentences can be responded to in the simplest way, such as a yes or no, or more elaborately, and in depth as well. Examples include:
    “Where are you going?”
    If I make remarks like ‘Did you finish your homework?’ or ‘I have an important meeting tomorrow,’ I am likely to generate measures of social connectedness, esteem, and academic achievement that are within normal range.
    This isn’t as good as the last time. ”

    Imperative Sentences:

    The imperative mood is employed when one is commanding, directing or issuing an instruction or a request in a directive manner. They do not contain a subject and are most commonly terminated by either a period or an exclamation point, depending on the tone of the statement. The imperative sentences can be plain or formal based on the situation that the user is under in the conversation. Examples include:
    Coding for a specific type of message is easy, for example; This type of coding is easy to do, for instance, ‘Please pass the salt. ’
    “Shut the door. “
    “Be quiet!”

    Exclamatory Sentences:

    Emphasized sentences express emotions or excitement such as the face–splashing exclamation mark. They usually involve an exclamation mark and repeat dialogue to convey loud emotion such as surprise, happiness, or rage. These sentences may or may not contain a subject and are distinguishable by their exclamatorily nature. Examples include:

      “What a beautiful sunset!”
      There are times, and this is one of them, in which all one feels like doing is shouting to the skies: “I can’t believe we won the game!”
      “Stop that right now!”

      Compound Sentences:

      Compound sentence involves at least one independent clause that is connected with at least one other independent clause by a coordinating conjunction like ‘‘and,’ ‘but’’ or ‘‘or. ’’ The use of compound sentences is useful as it enables the simultaneous elaboration of more than one idea or relationship at a go. Examples include:

        She asked for a movie, but he did not like the idea saying; “No, let us rather stay at home. ”
        “I like walking out into the natural environment and exploring and my brother likes the water and enjoys fishing. ”
        ”You can have this steak here or you want to take something from the vegetarian category?”

        Complex Sentences:

        A complex sentence can consist of one coordinate clause and one or more subordinate clauses. A dependent clause is a type of clause that cannot be used as a stand alone sentence and should be introduced with a subordinating conjunction like “although”, “because”, or “while”. Loans allow a relationship type to be exemplified such as cause and effect, a contrast, or by time. Examples include:

          Perhaps it was caused by the fact that we went for a walk, while it was raining.
          Hard working is the key to success as can be seen from the example of the statement, “because she studied hard she passed the exam”.
          One could say, sleeping beauty while I was sleeping the phone rang.


          Furthermore, different types of the sentence have been well explained here. Mastering sentence types is essential for effective writing and communication.

          Analyzing language’s properties allows us to share thoughts, feelings, and plans using only words. And not sounds or gestures, without misunderstandings. However, from the basic assertion, the question, the imperative, and even the exclamatory sentence, up to the most difficult and articulated syntactic structures. Further, providing for precise or vague judgments, invitations, offers, requests, opinions, attitudes, etc. It is therefore important to choose the right type of sentence that will match the required type of message. Construct sentences effectively to convey intended meaning clearly. Moreover, you can Join English-pro to know more!

          Nothing is more Expensive than a missed Opportunity